Wednesday, March 05, 2008

D1 Grades Show

Did our grades show today. The reaction was "Hagood your a homer" and that I went to easy on the guys and the Coaches. I have only had 1 upset person for being harsh. I admit I have since January decided to ease up and go lighter on everyone on the show and on the broadcast which has led to the homer comments which fine I guess. I know some fans had noticed and wondered why that was, it was because I thought I was being to harsh at times. Maybe that was a bad move on my part to start throwing softballs around.

For some reason after talking to Coach Gordie Schaeffler today on the show I really do feel they are going to get the exact players they need for next year which includes 3 or 4 pure goal scorers 1 top 4 defender and a solid backup. This was a wakeup call and learning experience for all of us.

Good to see all 4 coaches will be back next season. We are very lucky for that as they will grow and learn from this as well.