This Wednesday is "The OU Hockey Show"
Listen Live on 88.3FM or online at
wxou.orgCall us at 248-370-4274 or message us on aim at wxoudj
With the D1 Rosters Set we will discuss and breakdown the rosters.
We will look at home much do we agree or disagree with the roster selections?
We ask is this team better then last years squad?
How big of an impact will last years D3 Players have on D1 this year?
We also discuss where the scoring will come from this year.
Season Predictions and thoughts.
Brittany Ochtinsky from the Oakland Post will join us, and maybe a Player or Coach will join us as well via phone or in- studio.
Only 2 more Shows before we Preview the Home Opener vs UM-Dearborn 8:40pm
Friday September 28th ONYXSend Questions and thoughts to Corey Hagood at